Cinnamon Honey Porridge

Truth be told, I do not like steel cut oats. But did you know that when you cook steel cut oats with old-fashioned rolled oats you, it makes the most delightful texture? The rolled oats, which were once too soggy, and the too crunchy steel cut oats now combine to make a perfect porridge. We're currently expecting snow for the next few days, and when the climate drops to a certain temp I inevitably make this warming dish. Hope you're all staying cozy. 

Bisous xoxo

Cinnamon Honey Porridge

1 Cup Instant Steel Cut Oats
1 Cup Instant Rolled Oats
2 Cups Water
2 Cups Milk
3/4 tsp cinnamon
pinch of salt

optional toppings: more milk, honey, berries, coconut oil or nut butter

Combine all ingredients except toppings in a large sauce pan and bring to a boil. Turn down the heat until you have a steady gentle bubbling. Cook for about 10 minutes or until the liquid has evaporated to your liking. Serve hot with a splash of milk, a drizzle of honey, berries, and spoonful of your choice of fat (coconut oil or nut butter).

*you can use regular oats (which I actually prefer), but add an additional cup of water and milk. Increase your cooking time.

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